Tuesday, July 31, 2007
someone's looking over you
abram's nephew, lot, chose the better pasture land. and, by default, abram got what lot didn't want. sometimes, we find ourselves giving first choice to friends for the sake of preserving the relationship, even if this means ending up with second best. preferring others takes personal sacrifice.
lot settles in his choice land but finds himself taken captive and plundered afterwards. if i was abram, i would have figured that God was punishing lot for taking the best part of the land. i would have smiled to myself, drink my favorite original Kluang Station kopi kau with feet on the table, and thought that lot got what he deserved.
but abram didn't feel that way. he took 318 men in his household, chased four kings all the way up north, fought the four kings, and rescued his nephew. no small feat. i wonder how he defeated the four kings. The original 300. preferring others may take an arm and a limb.
we are like lot in many ways. and abram is like our God. God gives us a choice, and sometimes (often times) we make bad choices. these bad choices can turn really bad and result in us losing everything. but God is our father; closer than an uncle. and dad comes with all his might to save.
someone's looking over you
thanks joel for sharing it with me. so here to share with others. cheers
Friday, July 20, 2007
friday, was it 13?
thank god its friday
only looking forward for today
but doesnt seems to be a perfect day
a whole week was just busy
never felt so crazy
now is to keep it lite and easy
another word is to be lazy
lunch was so draggy
head even getting heavy
feet just like full of boggy
wish its truly madly deeply overly
looking forward till clock strike 5ive
cos night will always be fine
to be date for a dine
hope to be a great nite
its just one of the fridays
Sunday, July 08, 2007
well am heading to Taiwan this time, going there for an installation and some customer visits. really wish everything will be fine and smooth. i wanna be back home on time. first time I left my dog at home all alone for a week. as my last sis staying with me has her new life as Mrs. Tan.
ok ok dun worry, spotty is in good care. even if my house is empty and no life but i always have friendly neighbor to look after her. u all must be thinking of some hot chicks that love dogs and fall for me and will kindly take care of her… hahahahhahahaha. Dun worry, dun worry, is just a kind and friendly neighbor who really loves dogs as she has dogs herself.
ok ok time to departure. all of u out there… have a wild week and please dun get rooted. play safe.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
i jus love this the most. classic
Monday, June 04, 2007
single no more

it was a wonderful nite. we went bumboobali for dinner in puchong puteri. yup nice place to have a baliness dinner, felt weird because i know sam and vicky is going there for honeymoon... hahahahahahhahaa... thats us below; ch, steve, sam, me and charlie

after that, got something special for sam to use on the first nite.... below is a video that we took...
we had a good time with him.... will censor some but u will figure out what we did... below is OCPD with a psychopath

Tuesday, May 22, 2007
oh!!! (funny look on the face) thanks...
it was last friday, had my lunch at old office area with my colleagues, cos one of them needs to do some banking.... was a busy day where lunch hour cum prayer day... i wanna keep it short. there was a Nestea truck parking near the banks area giving out free Nestea lemon pack drinks. went to get it with my colleagues. got 1/2 a dozen and put it in the freezer in office.
the day was gone and time to go home. took the packs out and wanna bring home and can have it later. when i was driving through those normal rm1.60 tol booth. me a person who wont wind down windows and pay the coins of rm1.60 (got smarttag mah) but that day i just wanna bless the attendant, so i drove to the TUNAI lane. digging for my coins from the car's ashtray and walla rm1.60.
upon reaching the booth and try to look for one which is not busy and no cars tailing me. wind down my window and gave him the coins, and followed by a pack of nestea lemon real cold one. "oh!!!! thanks." he said. (funny look on the face?) nope is is a face of gratitude, speachless. and i took another pack out and ask him to pass it to the car behind me. "oh ok" he answered with a big smile on his face.
it's a very slight chance (very indeed) i would see him again. and i didnt slow down to wait for the back car to over took me and give me a wave or a smile. ( so -.-"' if the car just drives away....) well the rest of it, i didnt manage to have one also. all given away.
anyway, some ppl would think what are you doing? "keep it for urself lah". some would say "u are so naive" (is for u nette). well i would say it is His way. things are different in His doings, and most of the time i or rather us do not know what is He doing. but i know in everything He does there is a reason behind it. but all in all, is by His grace and love that sustain me till today.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
my day
must be from the booze and pool with my buddy
but i still need to get ready
for a wonderful start of a saturday
mom and dad arrived last nite
realized their car's road tax expired
so that leave me no choice
but to leave them my conveyance
they are here for a reason
to witness their dreams to fulfillment
their youngest daughters hand to be taken
by sam, a dear gentleman
sam, i knew him almost forever
someone i respect and honour
as a freind, a boss and an LF leader
but never expect him to end up with my sister (hahahahahhaaa)
i know my day is every where
hope to keep it simple
and i will end it here
before i get fired..........
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
mother's day - ya i know its over
time to end winter
cos spring is just around the corner
the scene and weather never been so much better
cos in spring, YOU are just like blooming flowers
it just seems like yesterday
where YOU kept my troubles away
never a single moment i worry
cos i know YOU are there standing by
i remember the days of my past
when i was young and always lost
but YOU were there to make my path straight
to guide me and mould me to be mr. right
i could go on and on
un-ending story bout the one who carries me on
speaking bout YOU my heart and mind goes on
i will always cherish all the days that are gone
today is the day i proud of YOU
tomorrow is the day i will make YOU proud
there are no more words i can spell
all i could say is "i love YOU MOM"
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
lyrics got from Jeremy's page
Yo, this song’s close to the heart, it’s my hometown baby, representin’/Ipoh where you at?(Chorus)
Ipohmali Ipoh Ipohmali/ I sing it loud and proud that’s who I be/
Cos’ small town dreams do come through/ so stand up and represent where you from too boo
Uh/ Ipohmali Ipoh Ipohmali/
I sing it loud and proud that’s who I be/
Cos’ small town dreams do come through so stand up and represent where you from too boo(Verse 1)
Yo I was born and raised in a place/ where the hottest women come from /
Ipoh city/ that’s where I’ll always belong/ Don’t get me wrong yo/
I’m KL lite now/ Its just that my roots stay strong/
Growin’ up as a Ipoh chink kid representin’ it/ Ipoh Garden Eastside yo was the hood I was kickin’ it/
I grew up poor but I had the riches memories/ Wooley Food Centre rockin’ arcades religiously/ And after school/ me and my crew/ DFS would be-boy on the sidewalks in front of Fair Park shops/ And as my story drops/ I recollect I never had them fancy kicks, fancy clothes all I had was Hip Hop/
And peer pressure left me with a scar/cos’ when kids were rockin’ Airwalks/I was rockin’ Bata/Back then/ I had nothin’ but a dream to be a rap star/
Now who would have thought this Ipoh chink would get this far?Chorus 1x
(Verse 2)
Yo I’m a Ipohmali chinaman/ I represent/ small town kids havin’ big dreams so understand/ When I spit this rhyme yo’ I’m spittin’ it right/
My flows divine and miraculous givin’ the blind sight, haha
Back in the day circa ‘95/ In St. Michaels Church where I prayed for my life to get better/
So I can be mah’ family’s provider/ the answer/ was to audition for Poetic Ammunition’s replacement rapper/I dropped the beatbox blew Yogi B away/ got the record deal/ had a choice to make/ leave for KL or do I stay?/ Cos’ everybody sayin’ then bein’ a rapper don’t pay/ From Bingotown to Greentown I was strollin’/ contemplatin’ what mah’ life’s future would be holdin’/ Everybody I knew was all against it/ they said 16 yearold Ipoh kid will never make it/ But I/ persevered/ A boy with no fear/ I had hopes as high as Hotel Excelsior/ For years I proved my critics wrong/ that’s why I wrote this song to tell the world where I’m from cos’ I’m…….Chorus 1x
We Ipohmali baby here to show y’all what we got/
Never underestimate yourself/ cos’ you can make it/ no matter where you are/
It ain’t where you’re from but how you make it to the top/
Cos’ we are Ipohmali baby, here to show y’all what we gotTo all mah’ peeps all down at JB/ Throw your hands up if y’all hear me/
To all mah cats down at KL city/ Holla at me if y’all hear me/
To all my pheng ew across the sea now/ Penang khia are y’all still down?/
And everybody across the nation/ you can make it just be patient/(Verse 3)
Now flash forward to the present/ mah’ life at this point/
Nobody knows mah’ real name/ they all call me Point/
I’m an industry veteran/ 10 years in the game/ 3 LPs/ now that’s evidence/
I seen it all/ the ladies, the groupies, the fancy parties, award ceremonies, glory and all that money (money)/ But I learned the hard way that fame came with a price/
For Point Blanc to be more famous than Ipoh chicken rice/(Outro singing)
Ipoh, Ipoh, if y’all afraid go call the popo/
It’s your boy Point lettin’ you know/ the hottest chink hollerin’ from Ipoh/
(Repeat 1x)(Outro adlib)
Voyeur Records! It ain’t where you’re from/ its where you at/
So be proud of where you’re from baby, cos’ I am/